Posted 29/04/2022
We sold our house in Cambieure last year and bought a new home in Belvèze du Razès, a village only some four kilometres away from Cambieure as the crow flies. A new home…yes, a new house…noooh. It took ages before all the official stuff was taken care of and only just before Christmas could we start with the renovations to be carried out before we could possibly live in the place.
Those have taken four months and are by no means completed, but…we can live there now.
The wood workshop is now being organized which is a very complex job as before I had the luxury of 135 metres square space whereas now it is significantly less. Just have to be a bit more clever to make it work.
The printing atelier is also a challenge as it situated above the wood workshop. A lot of very heavy items had to be hauled up. To have that part organized and working will still take some time as the inside of the house and the wood workshop take precedent.
As a result of this move I haven’t been printing at all for almost 10 months now and won’t be for another couple of months at least.

Propeller, etching on copper plate 40 x 50 cm
A childhood memory. A wooden propeller stacked in the kitchen in 1954 Tanah Radjah, a plantation in Deli, Sumatra. Absolutely no idea how that object ended up there as there wasn’t an aerodrome within miles. It has always bedeviled me and probably I’ll never find out. These are two sketches drawn from memory which will be the basis for this etch. The biggest challenge will be depicting the fall of light through the floating dust.
Well…we had Covid lockdown and for a wee while no woodwork on hand. So instead of creating an etching I raided the hen house, found an egg and decided on an egg tempera painting of the subject.
Market scene, Lino-woodcut 50 x 50 cm.
One key block of battleship lino, one block of cork lino for shading and three plywood blocks for the colours.
The scene is based on the popular market held every Sunday in Esperaza in the Aude Haute Vallée.
A sketch to show the general idea.
It took a while to cut all those blocks. Especially the key block with a lot of very fine detail, but I got there in the end and managed to run off some prints through the press early in the year just before the Covid lock

42 Rue Grand'Rue
11240 Belvèze du Razès
France +33 (0)4 30 07 30 80